Authentication functions | Overview of the svn authentication system |
Base64 encoding/decoding functions | |
caching configuration | |
Client supporting subsystem | Client supporting functions |
 (deprecated) AuthZ client subsystem | The new authentication system allows the RA layer to "pull" information as needed from libsvn_client |
 Revisions and Peg Revisions | Revisions and Peg Revisions |
 Client commit subsystem | Commit operations |
 Client blame functionality | Client blame |
 Client diff functionality | Client diff |
 Client context management | Client context |
 Client command-line processing | Client argument processing |
Client working copy management | Client working copy management functions |
 Checkout | |
 Bring a working copy up-to-date with a repository | |
 Switch a working copy to another location. | |
 Begin versioning files/directories in a working copy. | |
 Create directories in a working copy or repository. | |
 Remove files/directories from a working copy or repository. | |
 Import files into the repository. | |
 Commit local modifications to the repository. | |
 Report interesting information about paths in the working copy. | |
 View information about previous revisions of an object. | |
 Show modification information about lines in a file. | |
 Generate differences between paths. | |
 Merge changes between branches. | |
 Cleanup an abnormally terminated working copy. | |
 Upgrade a working copy. | |
 Switch a working copy to a different repository. | |
 Remove local changes in a repository. | |
 Mark conflicted paths as resolved. | |
 Copy paths in the working copy and repository. | |
 Move paths in the working copy or repository. | |
 Property functions | Properties |
 Export a tree from version control. | |
 List / ls | |
 View the contents of a file in the repository. | |
 Client Changelist Functions | Changelist commands |
 Client Locking Functions | Locking commands |
 Show repository information about a working copy. | |
 Apply a patch to the working copy | |
WC out-of-date info from the repository | When the working copy item is out-of-date compared to the repository, the following fields represent the state of the youngest revision of the item in the repository |
Client session related functions | |
Cached authentication data | Accessing cached authentication data in the user config area |
 Cached authentication data attributes | Attributes of authentication credentials |
Basic character classification - 7-bit ASCII only | |
Extended character classification | |
ASCII character value constants | |
ASCII-subset case folding | |
Errors in svn_dav | The svn-specific object that is placed within a <D:error> response |
DAV property namespaces | General property (xml) namespaces that will be used by both ra_dav and mod_dav_svn for marshalling properties |
Delta generation and handling | |
 Text deltas | Text deltas |
 Tree deltas | Traversing tree deltas |
 Path-based delta drivers | Path-based editor drives |
Error creation and destruction | SVN error creation and destruction |
Error groups | Error groups |
Malfunctions and assertions | Internal malfunctions and assertions |
Filesystem interaction subsystem | |
 Built-in back-ends | Constants defining the currently supported built-in filesystem backends |
 Berkeley DB filesystems | Subversion filesystems based on Berkeley DB |
  Berkeley DB filesystem compatibility | The following functions are similar to their generic counterparts |
 Filesystem access contexts | Filesystem Access Contexts |
 Filesystem nodes | Filesystem Nodes and Node-Revisions |
 Filesystem transactions | Filesystem Transactions |
  Bitmask flags for svn_fs_begin_txn2() | |
 Filesystem roots | Roots |
 Filesystem directories | Directory entry names and directory paths |
 Filesystem locks | |
Filesystem information subsystem | |
Hash table serialization support | |
 Reading and writing hashtables to disk | Reading/writing hashtables to disk |
 Taking the diff of two hash tables. | Taking the "diff" of two hash tables |
 Miscellaneous hash APIs | |
Generic byte streams | Generic byte-streams |
Version/format files | Version/format files |
URI/URL conversion | URI/URL stuff |
Charset conversion | Charset conversion stuff |
Repository relative URLs | Repository relative URLs |
Properties management utilities | |
 Visible properties | Visible properties |
  Meta-data properties | Meta-data properties |
 Invisible properties | WC props are props that are invisible to users: they're generated by an RA layer, and stored in secret parts of .svn/ |
 Revision properties | These are reserved properties attached to a "revision" object in the repository filesystem |
 Ephemeral transaction properties | These are reserved properties attached to a "transaction" object in the repository filesystem in advance of the pre-commit hook script running on the server, but then automatically removed from the transaction before its promotion to a new revision |
Dynamically query the server's capabilities. | |
Definitions of ra_svn dirent fields | Ra_svn passes svn_dirent_t fields over the wire as a list of words, these are the values used to represent each field |
ra_svn low-level functions | |
Repository authorization callbacks | |
Repository notifications | |
Repository capabilities | |
Paths to lock hooks | |
Hook-sensitive wrappers for libsvn_fsroutines. | |
Repository lock wrappers | |
Versioned and Unversioned Properties | Prop-changing and prop-reading wrappers for libsvn_fs routines |
Data structures and editor things forrepository inspection. | As it turns out, the svn_repos_replay2(), svn_repos_dir_delta2() and svn_repos_begin_report3() interfaces can be extremely useful for examining the repository, or more exactly, changes to the repository |
Dumping, loading and verifying filesystem data | The filesystem 'dump' format contains nothing but the abstract structure of the filesystem – independent of any internal node-id schema or database back-end |
String handling | |
 svn_string_t functions | |
 svn_stringbuf_t functions | |
 C string functions | |
APR Array Compatibility Helper Macros | These macros are provided by APR itself from version 1.3 |
APR Hash Table Helpers | These functions enable the caller to dereference an APR hash table index without type casts or temporary variables |
Dirent fields | It is sometimes convenient to indicate which parts of an svn_dirent_t object you are actually interested in, so that calculating and sending the data corresponding to the other fields can be avoided |
Keyword definitions | Keyword substitution |
Node location segment reporting. | |
Working copy management | |
 Translation flags | Flags for use with svn_wc_translated_file2() and svn_wc_translated_stream() |
 Working copy context | |
 Adm access batons (deprecated) | Locking/Opening/Closing using adm access batons |
 Name of Subversion's admin dir | |
 Externals | |
 Notification callback handling | In many cases, the WC library will scan a working copy and make changes |
 Conflict callback functionality | Interactive conflict handling |
 Entries and status (deprecated) |
 Working copy status. | We have three functions for getting working copy status: one function for getting the status of exactly one thing, another for getting the statuses of (potentially) multiple things and a third for getting the working copy out-of-dateness with respect to the repository |
 Working copy roots | |
 Update and switch (update-like functionality) | |
 Properties | |
 Diffs | |
 Merging | |
 EOL conversion and keyword expansion | |
 Text/Prop Deltas Using an Editor | |
 Ignoring unversioned files and directories | |
 Repository locks | |