Apache Subversion Binary Packages

Find packages for your operating system:

Centos Linux | Debian Linux | Fedora Linux | FreeBSD | GNU Guix | HP-UX | NetBSD | OpenBSD | openSUSE | MacOS | Red Hat Linux | Solaris | SUSE Linux | Ubuntu Linux | Windows | Windows-Cygwin

The Apache Subversion project does not officially endorse or maintain any binary packages of the Subversion software. However, volunteers have created binary packages for different distributions and platforms, and as a convenience, we maintain a list of links to them here. If there are any problems with or questions about the different binary packages please send email to the Subversion users mailing list.

Note that binary packages usually come out about a week after the corresponding source release. Please don't post to the mailing lists asking when a binary package for a given platform will be ready. The packagers already know when new source releases come out, and work as fast as they can to make binaries available.

Binaries are typically built from the latest stable release.

Note also that this list does not include distributions of larger collections of software of which Subversion is but one piece. Several vendors offer such things, but we concern ourselves primarily with Subversion itself. As such, the listing here is limited to those packages which may be reasonably considered binary distributions of Apache Subversion alone. If you are looking for more widely scoped, Subversion-related value-add offerings, we trust that ${YOUR_FAVORITE_SEARCH_ENGINE} can facilitate that for you.

A condition to be listed is to keep current with security fixes by offering the latest supported patch release or by backporting security patches. The rule will be implemented with a fair amount of flexibility to allow time to release new packages, as well as any considerations regarding the release process. Please discuss at the Subversion users mailing list.

Centos Linux

Debian Linux

  • Debian Project (maintained by Debian Project; client and server; svnserve is part of the subversion package, mod_dav_svn is in the separate libapache2-mod-svn package (formerly libapache2-svn))

    $ apt-get install subversion
    $ apt-get install libapache2-mod-svn
  • Cirata (supported and certified by Cirata (formerly WANdisco))

Fedora Linux


GNU Guix




  • OpenBSD Project (client and server; svnserve is part of the subversion package, mod_dav_svn is in the separate ap2-subversion package)

    $ pkg_add subversion
    $ pkg_add ap2-subversion


  • Part of the the standard distribution. svnserve is part of the subversion package, mod_dav_svn is in the separate subversion-server package.

    $ zypper install subversion
    $ zypper install subversion-server
  • Community packages are available from the openSUSE project, also for the 1.8 series of releases.


Red Hat Linux


SUSE Linux

Ubuntu Linux


  • SlikSVN (32- and 64-bit (x64 and ARM64) client MSI

  • TortoiseSVN (optionally installs 32- and 64-bit (x64 and ARM64) command line tools and svnserve; supported and maintained by the TortoiseSVN project)

  • VisualSVN (32- and 64-bit client and server; supported and maintained by VisualSVN)

  • Cirata (32- and 64-bit client and server; supported and certified by Cirata (formerly WANdisco))

  • PoshSvn, primarily a PowerShell client but also includes the standard command line tools; maintained by Timofei Zhakov.

Windows — Cygwin

  • Cygwin (32- and 64-bit client and server; svnserve is part of the subversion package, mod_dav_svn is in the separate subversion-httpd package)


    $ setup-x86_64 (OPTIONS) -P subversion
    $ setup-x86_64 (OPTIONS) -P subversion-httpd


    $ setup-x86 (OPTIONS) -P subversion
    $ setup-x86 (OPTIONS) -P subversion-httpd