Defines | Functions
Error creation and destruction

SVN error creation and destruction. More...


#define SVN_ERR(expr)
 A statement macro for checking error values.
#define svn_error_trace(expr)   (expr)
 A macro for wrapping an error in a source-location trace message.
#define SVN_ERR_W(expr, wrap_msg)
 A statement macro, very similar to SVN_ERR.
#define SVN_INT_ERR(expr)
 A statement macro, similar to SVN_ERR, but returns an integer.


svn_error_tsvn_error_create (apr_status_t apr_err, svn_error_t *child, const char *message)
 Create a nested exception structure.
svn_error_tsvn_error_createf (apr_status_t apr_err, svn_error_t *child, const char *fmt,...)
 Create an error structure with the given apr_err and child, with a printf-style error message produced by passing fmt, using apr_psprintf().
svn_error_tsvn_error_wrap_apr (apr_status_t status, const char *fmt,...)
 Wrap a status from an APR function.
svn_error_tsvn_error_quick_wrap (svn_error_t *child, const char *new_msg)
 A quick n' easy way to create a wrapped exception with your own message, before throwing it up the stack.
svn_error_tsvn_error_compose_create (svn_error_t *err1, svn_error_t *err2)
 Compose two errors, returning the composition as a brand new error and consuming the original errors.
void svn_error_compose (svn_error_t *chain, svn_error_t *new_err)
 Add new_err to the end of chain's chain of errors.
svn_error_tsvn_error_root_cause (svn_error_t *err)
 Return the root cause of err by finding the last error in its chain (e.g.
svn_error_tsvn_error_find_cause (svn_error_t *err, apr_status_t apr_err)
 Return the first error in err's chain that has an error code apr_err or SVN_NO_ERROR if there is no error with that code.
svn_error_tsvn_error_dup (svn_error_t *err)
 Create a new error that is a deep copy of err and return it.
void svn_error_clear (svn_error_t *error)
 Free the memory used by error, as well as all ancestors and descendants of error.
void svn_handle_error2 (svn_error_t *error, FILE *stream, svn_boolean_t fatal, const char *prefix)
 Very basic default error handler: print out error stack error to the stdio stream stream, with each error prefixed by prefix; quit and clear error iff the fatal flag is set.
void svn_handle_error (svn_error_t *error, FILE *stream, svn_boolean_t fatal)
 Like svn_handle_error2() but with prefix set to "svn: ".
void svn_handle_warning2 (FILE *stream, svn_error_t *error, const char *prefix)
 Very basic default warning handler: print out the error error to the stdio stream stream, prefixed by prefix.
void svn_handle_warning (FILE *stream, svn_error_t *error)
 Like svn_handle_warning2() but with prefix set to "svn: ".
svn_error_tsvn_error_purge_tracing (svn_error_t *err)
 Returns an error chain that is based on err's error chain but does not include any error tracing placeholders.

Detailed Description

SVN error creation and destruction.

Define Documentation

#define SVN_ERR (   expr)
do {                                          \
    svn_error_t *svn_err__temp = (expr);        \
    if (svn_err__temp)                          \
      return svn_error_trace(svn_err__temp);    \
  } while (0)

A statement macro for checking error values.

Evaluate expr. If it yields an error, return that error from the current function. Otherwise, continue.

The do { ... } while (0) wrapper has no semantic effect, but it makes this macro syntactically equivalent to the expression statement it resembles. Without it, statements like

   if (a)
     SVN_ERR(some operation);

would not mean what they appear to.

Definition at line 301 of file svn_error.h.

#define SVN_ERR_W (   expr,
do {                                                      \
    svn_error_t *svn_err__temp = (expr);                    \
    if (svn_err__temp)                                      \
      return svn_error_quick_wrap(svn_err__temp, wrap_msg); \
  } while (0)

A statement macro, very similar to SVN_ERR.

This macro will wrap the error with the specified text before returning the error.

Definition at line 351 of file svn_error.h.

#define svn_error_trace (   expr)    (expr)

A macro for wrapping an error in a source-location trace message.

This macro can be used when directly returning an already created error (when not using SVN_ERR, svn_error_create(), etc.) to ensure that the call stack is recorded correctly.

New in 1.7.

Definition at line 322 of file svn_error.h.

#define SVN_INT_ERR (   expr)
do {                                                           \
    svn_error_t *svn_err__temp = (expr);                         \
    if (svn_err__temp) {                                         \
      svn_handle_error2(svn_err__temp, stderr, FALSE, "svn: ");  \
      svn_error_clear(svn_err__temp);                            \
      return EXIT_FAILURE; }                                     \
  } while (0)

A statement macro, similar to SVN_ERR, but returns an integer.

Evaluate expr. If it yields an error, handle that error and return EXIT_FAILURE.

Definition at line 364 of file svn_error.h.

Function Documentation

void svn_error_clear ( svn_error_t error)

Free the memory used by error, as well as all ancestors and descendants of error.

Unlike other Subversion objects, errors are managed explicitly; you MUST clear an error if you are ignoring it, or you are leaking memory. For convenience, error may be NULL, in which case this function does nothing; thus, svn_error_clear(svn_foo(...)) works as an idiom to ignore errors.

void svn_error_compose ( svn_error_t chain,
svn_error_t new_err 

Add new_err to the end of chain's chain of errors.

The new_err chain will be copied into chain's pool and destroyed, so new_err itself becomes invalid after this function.

Either chain or new_err can be functions that return svn_error_t* but if both are functions they can be evaluated in either order as per the C language rules.

svn_error_t* svn_error_compose_create ( svn_error_t err1,
svn_error_t err2 

Compose two errors, returning the composition as a brand new error and consuming the original errors.

Either or both of err1 and err2 may be SVN_NO_ERROR. If both are not SVN_NO_ERROR, err2 will follow err1 in the chain of the returned error.

Either err1 or err2 can be functions that return svn_error_t* but if both are functions they can be evaluated in either order as per the C language rules.

New in 1.6.
svn_error_t* svn_error_create ( apr_status_t  apr_err,
svn_error_t child,
const char *  message 

Create a nested exception structure.

Input: an APR or SVN custom error code, a "child" error to wrap, a specific message

Returns: a new error structure (containing the old one).

Errors are always allocated in a subpool of the global pool, since an error's lifetime is generally not related to the lifetime of any convenient pool. Errors must be freed with svn_error_clear(). The specific message should be NULL if there is nothing to add to the general message associated with the error code.

If creating the "bottommost" error in a chain, pass NULL for the child argument.

svn_error_t* svn_error_dup ( svn_error_t err)

Create a new error that is a deep copy of err and return it.

New in 1.2.
svn_error_t* svn_error_find_cause ( svn_error_t err,
apr_status_t  apr_err 

Return the first error in err's chain that has an error code apr_err or SVN_NO_ERROR if there is no error with that code.

The returned error should not be cleared as it shares memory with err.

If err is SVN_NO_ERROR, return SVN_NO_ERROR.

New in 1.7.
svn_error_t* svn_error_purge_tracing ( svn_error_t err)

Returns an error chain that is based on err's error chain but does not include any error tracing placeholders.

err is not modified, except for any allocations using its pool.

The returned error chain is allocated from err's pool and shares its message and source filename character arrays. The returned error chain should *not* be cleared because it is not a fully fledged error chain, only clearing err should be done to clear the returned error chain. If err is cleared, then the returned error chain is unusable.

err can be SVN_NO_ERROR. If err is not SVN_NO_ERROR, then the last link in the error chain must be a non-tracing error, i.e, a real error.

New in 1.7.
svn_error_t* svn_error_quick_wrap ( svn_error_t child,
const char *  new_msg 

A quick n' easy way to create a wrapped exception with your own message, before throwing it up the stack.

(It uses all of the child's fields.)

svn_error_t* svn_error_root_cause ( svn_error_t err)

Return the root cause of err by finding the last error in its chain (e.g.

it or its children). err may be SVN_NO_ERROR, in which case SVN_NO_ERROR is returned.

New in 1.5.
svn_error_t* svn_error_wrap_apr ( apr_status_t  status,
const char *  fmt,

Wrap a status from an APR function.

If fmt is NULL, this is equivalent to svn_error_create(status,NULL,NULL). Otherwise, the error message is constructed by formatting fmt and the following arguments according to apr_psprintf(), and then appending ": " and the error message corresponding to status. (If UTF-8 translation of the APR error message fails, the ": " and APR error are not appended to the error message.)

void svn_handle_error ( svn_error_t error,
FILE *  stream,
svn_boolean_t  fatal 

Like svn_handle_error2() but with prefix set to "svn: ".

Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.1 API.
void svn_handle_error2 ( svn_error_t error,
FILE *  stream,
svn_boolean_t  fatal,
const char *  prefix 

Very basic default error handler: print out error stack error to the stdio stream stream, with each error prefixed by prefix; quit and clear error iff the fatal flag is set.

Allocations are performed in the error's pool.

If you're not sure what prefix to pass, just pass "svn: ". That's what code that used to call svn_handle_error() and now calls svn_handle_error2() does.

New in 1.2.
void svn_handle_warning ( FILE *  stream,
svn_error_t error 

Like svn_handle_warning2() but with prefix set to "svn: ".

Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.1 API.
void svn_handle_warning2 ( FILE *  stream,
svn_error_t error,
const char *  prefix 

Very basic default warning handler: print out the error error to the stdio stream stream, prefixed by prefix.

Allocations are performed in the error's pool.

error may not be NULL.

New in 1.2.
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