All Classes
Class | Description |
AuthnCallback |
The interface for requesting authentication credentials from the
AuthnCallback.AuthnResult |
Abstract base class for callback results.
AuthnCallback.SSLClientCertPassphraseResult |
The result type used by {@see #sslClientCertPassphrasePrompt}.
AuthnCallback.SSLClientCertResult |
The result type used by {@see #sslClientCertPrompt}.
AuthnCallback.SSLServerCertFailures |
Information about why parsing a server SSL certificate failed.
AuthnCallback.SSLServerCertInfo |
Detailed information about the parsed server SSL certificate.
AuthnCallback.SSLServerTrustResult |
The result type used by {@see #sslServerTrustPrompt}.
AuthnCallback.UsernameResult |
The result type used by {@see #usernamePrompt}.
AuthnCallback.UserPasswordResult |
The result type used by {@see #userPasswordPrompt}.
BlameCallback | Deprecated.
BlameLineCallback instead. |
BlameCallback |
This interface is used to receive every single line for a file on a
the SVNClientInterface.blame call.
BlameCallback2 |
This interface is used to receive every single line for a file on a
the SVNClientInterface.blame call.
BlameCallback3 |
This interface is used to receive every single line for a file on a
the SVNClientInterface.blame call.
BlameCallbackImpl |
Implementation of
BlameCallback interface. |
BlameCallbackImpl.BlameLine |
Class represeting one line of the lines, i.e.
BlameLineCallback |
This interface is used to receive every single line for a file on a
ISVNClient#blame call. |
BlameRangeCallback |
This interface is used to the resolved revision range
ISVNClient#blame call. |
ChangelistCallback |
This interface is used to receive every status item for
ISVNClient.status(java.lang.String, org.apache.subversion.javahl.types.Depth, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, java.util.Collection<java.lang.String>, org.apache.subversion.javahl.callback.StatusCallback) call. |
ChangelistCallback |
This interface is used to receive every status item for
the SVNClientInterface.status call.
ChangePath | |
ChangePath | |
ChangePath.Action |
Actions which may have occurred to this path.
Checksum | |
Checksum.Kind |
Kinds of checksum
ClientException |
This exception is thrown whenever something goes wrong in the
Subversion JavaHL binding's JNI interface.
ClientException |
This exception is thrown whenever something goes wrong in the
Subversion JavaHL binding's JNI interface.
ClientException.ErrorMessage |
Describes a single error message in a stack of messages
associated with this exception.
ClientNotifyCallback |
Subversion notification interface.
ClientNotifyInformation |
The event passed to the
API to notify ISVNClient of relevant events. |
ClientNotifyInformation.Action |
The type of action triggering the notification
ClientNotifyInformation.LockStatus | |
ClientNotifyInformation.Status | |
CommitCallback |
This interface is used to receive commit information from APIs which
generate such.
CommitEditor |
Implementation of ISVNEditor that drives commits.
CommitInfo |
This class describes a item which will be committed.
CommitItem |
This class describes a item which will be committed.
CommitItem |
This class describes a item which will be committed.
CommitItem.StateFlags |
the class for the commit item state flags.
CommitItem.StateFlags |
the class for the commit item state flags.
CommitItemStateFlags |
The constants in this interface describe the changes to an item to
be committed.
CommitItemStateFlags |
The constants in this interface describe the changes to an item to
be committed.
CommitMessage |
This is callback interface which has to implemented by the client
to receive which files will be committed and to enter the log
CommitMessageCallback |
This is callback interface which has to implemented by the client
to receive which files will be committed and to enter the log
ConfigEvent |
Interface for configuration-change hooks.
ConfigLib |
Provides global configuration knobs and
Encapsulates utility functions for authentication credentials management.
ConflictDescriptor |
The description of a merge conflict, encountered during
merge/update/switch operations.
ConflictDescriptor |
The description of a merge conflict, encountered during
merge/update/switch operations.
ConflictDescriptor.Action |
Rich man's enum for
svn_wc_conflict_action_t . |
ConflictDescriptor.Kind |
Rich man's enum for
svn_wc_conflict_kind_t . |
ConflictDescriptor.Operation | |
ConflictDescriptor.Reason |
Rich man's enum for
svn_wc_conflict_reason_t . |
ConflictResolverCallback |
The callback API used to handle conflicts encountered during
merge/update/switch operations.
ConflictResolverCallback |
The callback API used to handle conflicts encountered during
merge/update/switch operations.
ConflictResult |
The result returned by the callback API used to handle conflicts
encountered during merge/update/switch operations.
ConflictResult |
The result returned by the callback API used to handle conflicts
encountered during merge/update/switch operations.
ConflictResult.Choice | |
ConflictVersion |
The description of a merge conflict, encountered during
merge/update/switch operations.
ConflictVersion |
The description of a merge conflict, encountered during
merge/update/switch operations.
CopySource |
A description of a copy source.
CopySource |
A description of a copy source.
Depth |
The concept of depth for directories.
Depth |
The concept of depth for directories.
DiffLib |
Encapsulates utility functions provided by libsvn_diff.
DiffOptions |
Options that control the output of
ISVNClient#diff . |
DiffOptions.Flag | |
DiffSummary |
The event passed to the
DiffSummaryCallback.onSummary(org.apache.subversion.javahl.DiffSummary) API
in response to path differences reported by ISVNClient.diffSummarize(java.lang.String, org.apache.subversion.javahl.types.Revision, java.lang.String, org.apache.subversion.javahl.types.Revision, org.apache.subversion.javahl.types.Depth, java.util.Collection<java.lang.String>, boolean, org.apache.subversion.javahl.callback.DiffSummaryCallback) . |
DiffSummary |
The event passed to the
DiffSummaryReceiver.onSummary(DiffSummary) API in response to path
differences reported by SVNClientInterface.diffSummarize(java.lang.String, org.tigris.subversion.javahl.Revision, java.lang.String, org.tigris.subversion.javahl.Revision, int, java.lang.String[], boolean, org.tigris.subversion.javahl.DiffSummaryReceiver) . |
DiffSummary.DiffKind |
The type of difference being summarized.
DiffSummary.DiffKind |
The type of difference being summarized.
DiffSummaryCallback |
Subversion diff summarization interface.
DiffSummaryReceiver |
Subversion diff summarization interface.
DirEntry |
A general subversion directory entry.
DirEntry |
A general subversion directory entry.
ErrorCodes |
Provide mappings from error codes generated by the C runtime to meaningful
Java values.
ExternalItem |
Describes one external item declaration
ImportFilterCallback |
This interface is used to filter imported nodes in the
{@link ISVNClient#import} call.
Info |
this class is returned by
ISVNClient.info2(java.lang.String, org.apache.subversion.javahl.types.Revision, org.apache.subversion.javahl.types.Revision, org.apache.subversion.javahl.types.Depth, java.util.Collection<java.lang.String>, org.apache.subversion.javahl.callback.InfoCallback) and contains information
about items in the repository or working copy |
Info |
Give information about one subversion item (file or directory) in the
working copy
Info.ScheduleKind | |
Info2 |
this class is returned by SVNClientInterface.info2 and contains information
about items in the repository or working copy
InfoCallback |
This interface is used to retrieve info each result in a
ISVNClient.info2(java.lang.String, org.apache.subversion.javahl.types.Revision, org.apache.subversion.javahl.types.Revision, org.apache.subversion.javahl.types.Depth, java.util.Collection<java.lang.String>, org.apache.subversion.javahl.callback.InfoCallback) call. |
InfoCallback |
This interface is used to retrieve info each result in a
SVNClientInterface.info2 call.
InheritedProplistCallback |
This interface is used to return regular and inherited property
lists for each path in a, org.apache.subversion.javahl.types.Revision, org.apache.subversion.javahl.types.Revision, org.apache.subversion.javahl.types.Depth, java.util.Collection<java.lang.String>, org.apache.subversion.javahl.callback.ProplistCallback) call. |
InheritedProplistCallback.InheritedItem |
Describes properties inherited from one parent.
InputInterface |
Interface for data to be received from subversion
used for SVNAdmin.load and SVNAdmin.dump
ISVNClient |
This interface is the commom interface for all subversion
ISVNConfig |
Interface for manipulating the in-memory configuration info.
ISVNConfig.Category |
Interface for reading and modifying configuration
ISVNConfig.Enumerator |
Interface for
ISVNConfig.Category.enumerate(java.lang.String, org.apache.subversion.javahl.ISVNConfig.Enumerator) callback handlers. |
ISVNEditor |
Commit/update/status editor interface.
ISVNEditor.GetNodeKindCallback |
Callback interface for providing the kind of the node that was
the source of a copy.
ISVNEditor.ProvideBaseCallback |
Callback interface for providing the base contents of a file
that is being modified.
ISVNEditor.ProvideBaseCallback.ReturnValue | |
ISVNEditor.ProvidePropsCallback |
Callback interface for providing the base properties of a file
or directory that is being modified.
ISVNEditor.ProvidePropsCallback.ReturnValue | |
ISVNRemote |
Encapsulates an RA session object and related operations.
ISVNRemote.Capability |
Enumeration of known capabilities of the repository and server.
ISVNRemote.FileRevision | |
ISVNRemote.LocationSegment | |
ISVNReporter |
The update Reporter.
ISVNRepos | |
ISVNRepos.MessageReceiver |
interface to receive the messages
JNIError |
This error is thrown by error in the native library.
JNIObject |
This class is used internally by the JavaHL implementation and not considered
part part of the public API.
ListCallback |
This interface is used to receive every single line for a file on a
ISVNClient.list(java.lang.String, org.apache.subversion.javahl.types.Revision, org.apache.subversion.javahl.types.Revision, java.util.List<java.lang.String>, org.apache.subversion.javahl.types.Depth, int, boolean, boolean, org.apache.subversion.javahl.callback.ListItemCallback) call. |
ListCallback |
This interface is used to receive every single line for a file on a
the SVNClientInterface.blame call.
ListItemCallback |
This interface is used to receive every directory entry
returned from the
ISVNClient.list(java.lang.String, org.apache.subversion.javahl.types.Revision, org.apache.subversion.javahl.types.Revision, java.util.List<java.lang.String>, org.apache.subversion.javahl.types.Depth, int, boolean, boolean, org.apache.subversion.javahl.callback.ListItemCallback) call. |
Lock |
Class to describe a lock.
Lock |
Class to describe a lock.
LockStatus | |
LogDate |
Holds date for a log message.
LogDate |
Holds date for a log message.
LogMessage |
This class describes a single subversion revision with log message,
author and date.
LogMessageCallback |
This interface is used to receive every log message for the log
messages found by a
ISVNClient.logMessages(java.lang.String, org.apache.subversion.javahl.types.Revision, java.util.List<org.apache.subversion.javahl.types.RevisionRange>, boolean, boolean, boolean, java.util.Set<java.lang.String>, long, org.apache.subversion.javahl.callback.LogMessageCallback) call. |
LogMessageCallback |
This interface is used to receive every log message for the log
messages found by a SVNClientInterface.logMessages call.
Mergeinfo |
Merge history for a path.
Mergeinfo |
Merge history for a path.
Mergeinfo.Inheritance |
The three ways to request mergeinfo affecting a given path
ISVNRemote.getMergeinfo(java.lang.Iterable<java.lang.String>, long, org.apache.subversion.javahl.types.Mergeinfo.Inheritance, boolean) . |
Mergeinfo.LogKind |
Constants to specify which collection of revisions to report in
MergeinfoLogKind |
Constants to specify which collection of revisions to report in
NativeInputStream |
Implementation class for
InputStream objects returned from
JavaHL methods. |
NativeOutputStream |
Implementation class for
OutputStream objects returned from
JavaHL methods. |
NativeResources |
Handles activities related to management of native resouces
NodeKind |
Rich man's enum for svn_node_kind_t
NodeKind |
Poor mans enum for svn_node_kind_t
Notify | Deprecated.
Use Notify2 instead
Notify.Action |
The type of action occuring.
Notify.Status |
The type of notification that is occuring.
Notify2 |
Subversion notification interface.
NotifyAction |
The type of action triggering the notification
NotifyInformation |
The event passed to the
API to notify SVNClientInterface of relevant events. |
NotifyStatus |
Status of the text or the property of the item triggering the
Operation |
Poor mans enum for svn_wc_operation_t
OperationContext |
A private class to hold the contextual information required to
persist in this object, such as notification handlers.
OutputInterface |
Interface to send data to subversion used by SVNAdmin.load.
PatchCallback |
This interface is invoked before each patch in a
ISVNClient.patch(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, boolean, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, org.apache.subversion.javahl.callback.PatchCallback) call. |
Path |
Subversion path validation and manipulation.
ProgressCallback |
Subversion progress event interface.
ProgressEvent |
The event passed to the
ProgressCallback.onProgress(org.apache.subversion.javahl.ProgressEvent) API to inform
ISVNClient of command progress (in terms of bytes). |
ProgressEvent |
The event passed to the
ProgressListener.onProgress(ProgressEvent) API to inform SVNClientInterface of command progress (in terms of bytes). |
ProgressListener |
Subversion progress event interface.
PromptUserPassword |
The original interface for receiving callbacks for authentication.
PromptUserPassword2 |
Partial interface for receiving callbacks for authentication.
PromptUserPassword3 |
The interface for requesting authentication credentials from the
Property |
This class describes standard Subversion known properties
PropertyData |
This class describes one property managed by Subversion.
PropLib |
Encapsulates utility functions for properties provided by libsvn_wc.
ProplistCallback |
This interface is used to property lists for each path in a, org.apache.subversion.javahl.types.Revision, org.apache.subversion.javahl.types.Revision, org.apache.subversion.javahl.types.Depth, java.util.Collection<java.lang.String>, org.apache.subversion.javahl.callback.ProplistCallback) call. |
ProplistCallback |
This interface is used to property lists for each path in a call.
ProplistCallbackImpl |
Implementation of
ProplistCallback interface. |
RemoteFactory |
Factory class for creating ISVNRemote instances.
RemoteFileRevisionsCallback |
Called for each location segment returned from
ISVNRemote.getFileRevisions(java.lang.String, long, long, boolean, org.apache.subversion.javahl.callback.RemoteFileRevisionsCallback) . |
RemoteLocationSegmentsCallback |
Called for each location segment returned from
ISVNRemote.getLocationSegments(java.lang.String, long, long, long, org.apache.subversion.javahl.callback.RemoteLocationSegmentsCallback) . |
RemoteSession | |
RemoteStatus |
Called for each affected element in a remote status driave.
RemoteStatus.Entry |
Contains additional information related to a modification or
deletion event.
ReposFreezeAction |
This interface is used to desfine an action to take while
repositories are frozen by
ISVNRepos.freeze . |
ReposNotifyCallback |
Subversion notification interface.
ReposNotifyInformation |
The event passed to the
API to notify ISVNClient of relevant events. |
ReposNotifyInformation.Action |
The type of action triggering the notification
ReposNotifyInformation.NodeAction | |
ReposVerifyCallback |
Error notifications from
ISVNRepos#verify(File,Revision,Revision,boolean,boolean,ReposNotifyCallback,ReposVerifyCallback) . |
RetryOpenSession |
This checked exception is thrown only from ISVNClient.openRemoteSession
or RemoteFactory.openRemoteSession if a session could not be opened
due to a redirect.
Revision |
Class to specify a revision in a svn command.
Revision |
Class to specify a revision in a svn command.
Revision.DateSpec |
class to specify a revision by a date
Revision.DateSpec |
class to specify a revision by a date
Revision.Kind |
Various ways of specifying revisions.
Revision.Kind |
Various ways of specifying revisions.
Revision.Number |
class to specify a Revision by number
Revision.Number |
class to specify a Revision by number
RevisionKind |
Various ways of specifying revisions.
RevisionRange |
Object that describes a revision range
RevisionRange |
Object that describes a revision range
RevisionRangeList |
Object that describes a revision range list, including operations on it.
RuntimeVersion |
Encapsulates the run-time version of the
libsvn_clinent library that was loaded by the current
process. |
ScheduleKind |
The schedule states an entry can be in.
StateReporter |
Implementation of ISVNReporter.
Status |
Subversion status API.
Status |
Subversion status API.
Status.Kind |
class for kind status of the item or its properties
the constants are defined in the interface StatusKind for building
Status.Kind |
class for kind status of the item or its properties
the constants are defined in the interface StatusKind for building
StatusCallback |
This interface is used to receive every status item for
ISVNClient.status(java.lang.String, org.apache.subversion.javahl.types.Depth, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, java.util.Collection<java.lang.String>, org.apache.subversion.javahl.callback.StatusCallback) call. |
StatusCallback |
This interface is used to receive every status item for
the SVNClientInterface.status call.
StatusKind |
class for kind status of the item or its properties
SubstLib |
Encapsulates utility functions for substitution and translation
provided by the
svn_subst module of
libsvn_subr . |
SubversionException |
This checked exception is thrown whenever something goes wrong with
the Subversion JavaHL bindings.
SubversionException |
This checked exception is thrown whenever something goes wrong with
the Subversion JavaHL bindings.
SVNAdmin |
This class offers the same commands as the svnadmin commandline
SVNAdmin.MessageReceiver |
interface to receive the messages
SVNClient |
This is the main client class.
SVNClient |
This is the main client class.
SVNClient.ClientLogLevel |
enum for the constants of the logging levels.
SVNClient.LogLevel |
class for the constants of the logging levels.
SVNClientInterface |
This interface is the commom interface for all subversion
SVNClientLogLevel |
Class for the constants of the logging levels.
SVNClientSynchronized |
This class provides a threadsafe wrapped for SVNClient
SVNInputStream |
This class connects a to a OutputInterface.
SVNOutputStream |
This class connects a to a InputInterface.
SVNRepos |
This class offers the same commands as the svnadmin commandline
SVNUtil | |
SVNUtil.ConflictDisplayStyle |
Style for displaying conflicts in merge output.
SVNUtil.Credential |
Generic credential description.
SVNUtil.Credential.Kind |
Describes the kind of the credential.
SVNUtil.CredentialTypeMismatch |
Exception used by calling the wrong accessor on Credential for
the given credential type.
SVNUtil.DiffOptions |
Options to control the behaviour of the file diff routines.
SVNUtil.DiffOptions.IgnoreSpace |
To what extent whitespace should be ignored when comparing lines.
Tristate | |
TunnelAgent |
Callback interface for creating and managing tunnels for ra_svn
TunnelAgent.CloseTunnelCallback |
Callback interface returned from
#openTunnel() . |
UserPasswordCallback | Deprecated.
Use {@see AuthnCallback}.
Version |
Encapsulates version information about the underlying native
Version |
Encapsulates version information about the underlying native
VersionExtended |
Encapsulates information about the compile-time and run-time
properties of the Subversion libraries.