Interface PromptUserPassword

All Known Subinterfaces:
PromptUserPassword2, PromptUserPassword3

public interface PromptUserPassword
The original interface for receiving callbacks for authentication. Consider this code deprecated -- new applications should use PromptUserPassword3 instead.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    String askQuestion​(String realm, String question, boolean showAnswer)
    ask the user a question where she answers with a text.
    boolean askYesNo​(String realm, String question, boolean yesIsDefault)
    ask the user a yes/no question
    String getPassword()
    retrieve the password entered during the prompt call
    String getUsername()
    retrieve the username entered during the prompt call
    boolean prompt​(String realm, String username)
    Ask the user for username and password The entered username/password is retrieved by the getUsername getPasswort methods.
  • Method Details

    • prompt

      boolean prompt​(String realm, String username)
      Ask the user for username and password The entered username/password is retrieved by the getUsername getPasswort methods.
      realm - for which server realm this information is requested.
      username - the default username
      Whether the prompt for authentication credentials was successful (e.g. in a GUI application whether the dialog box was canceled).
    • askYesNo

      boolean askYesNo​(String realm, String question, boolean yesIsDefault)
      ask the user a yes/no question
      realm - for which server realm this information is requested.
      question - question to be asked
      yesIsDefault - if yes should be the default
      the answer
    • askQuestion

      String askQuestion​(String realm, String question, boolean showAnswer)
      ask the user a question where she answers with a text.
      realm - for which server realm this information is requested.
      question - question to be asked
      showAnswer - if the answer is shown or hidden
      the entered text or null if canceled
    • getUsername

      String getUsername()
      retrieve the username entered during the prompt call
      the username
    • getPassword

      String getPassword()
      retrieve the password entered during the prompt call
      the password