Package org.apache.subversion.javahl

Interface Summary
CommitItemStateFlags The constants in this interface describe the changes to an item to be committed.
ISVNClient This interface is the commom interface for all subversion operations.
ISVNRepos.MessageReceiver interface to receive the messages

Class Summary
ClientNotifyInformation The event passed to the ClientNotifyCallback.onNotify(org.apache.subversion.javahl.ClientNotifyInformation) API to notify ISVNClient of relevant events.
CommitInfo This class describes a item which will be committed.
CommitItem This class describes a item which will be committed.
CommitItem.StateFlags the class for the commit item state flags.
ConflictDescriptor The description of a merge conflict, encountered during merge/update/switch operations.
ConflictResult The result returned by the callback API used to handle conflicts encountered during merge/update/switch operations.
DiffSummary The event passed to the DiffSummaryCallback.onSummary(org.apache.subversion.javahl.DiffSummary) API in response to path differences reported by ISVNClient.diffSummarize(java.lang.String, org.apache.subversion.javahl.types.Revision, java.lang.String, org.apache.subversion.javahl.types.Revision, org.apache.subversion.javahl.types.Depth, java.util.Collection, boolean, org.apache.subversion.javahl.callback.DiffSummaryCallback).
NativeResources Handles activities related to management of native resouces (e.g.
ProgressEvent The event passed to the ProgressCallback.onProgress(org.apache.subversion.javahl.ProgressEvent) API to inform ISVNClient of command progress (in terms of bytes).
ReposNotifyInformation The event passed to the ReposNotifyCallback.onNotify(org.apache.subversion.javahl.ReposNotifyInformation) API to notify ISVNClient of relevant events.
SVNClient This is the main client class.
SVNRepos This class offers the same commands as the svnadmin commandline client.

Enum Summary
ClientNotifyInformation.Action The type of action triggering the notification
ConflictDescriptor.Action Rich man's enum for svn_wc_conflict_action_t.
ConflictDescriptor.Kind Rich man's enum for svn_wc_conflict_kind_t.
ConflictDescriptor.Reason Rich man's enum for svn_wc_conflict_reason_t.
DiffSummary.DiffKind The type of difference being summarized.
ReposNotifyInformation.Action The type of action triggering the notification
SVNClient.ClientLogLevel enum for the constants of the logging levels.

Exception Summary
ClientException This exception is thrown whenever something goes wrong in the Subversion JavaHL binding's JNI interface.
SubversionException This checked exception is thrown whenever something goes wrong with the Subversion JavaHL bindings.

Error Summary
JNIError This error is thrown by error in the native library.