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svn_props.h File Reference

Subversion properties. More...

#include <apr_pools.h>
#include <apr_tables.h>
#include <apr_hash.h>
#include "svn_types.h"
#include "svn_string.h"

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Data Structures

struct  svn_prop_t
 A general in-memory representation of a single property. More...


#define SVN_PROP_PREFIX   "svn:"
 All Subversion property names start with this.
 Properties whose values are interpreted as booleans (such as svn:executable, svn:needs_lock, and svn:special) always fold their value to this.
#define SVN_PROP_MIME_TYPE   SVN_PROP_PREFIX "mime-type"
 The mime-type of a given file.
 The ignore patterns for a given directory.
#define SVN_PROP_EOL_STYLE   SVN_PROP_PREFIX "eol-style"
 The line ending style for a given file.
 The "activated" keywords (for keyword substitution) for a given file.
 Set to either TRUE or FALSE if we want a file to be executable or not.
 The value to force the executable property to when set.
#define SVN_PROP_NEEDS_LOCK   SVN_PROP_PREFIX "needs-lock"
 Set to TRUE ('*') if we want a file to be set to read-only when not locked.
 The value to force the needs-lock property to when set.
 Set if the file should be treated as a special file.
 The value to force the special property to when set.
 Describes external items to check out into this directory.
 Merge info property used to record a resource's merge history.
#define SVN_PROP_TEXT_TIME   SVN_PROP_PREFIX "text-time"
 The files' last modification time.
 The files' owner.
 The files' group.
#define SVN_PROP_UNIX_MODE   SVN_PROP_PREFIX "unix-mode"
 The files' unix-mode.
 The property name *prefix* that makes a property a "WC property".
 Another type of non-user-visible property.
 The revision this entry was last committed to on.
 The date this entry was last committed to on.
 The author who last committed to this entry.
 The UUID of this entry's repository.
 The lock token for this entry.
 When custom, user-defined properties are passed over the wire, they will have this prefix added to their name.
 The fs revision property that stores a commit's author.
 The fs revision property that stores a commit's log message.
 The fs revision property that stores a commit's date.
 The fs revision property that stores a commit's "original" date.
 The presence of this fs revision property indicates that the revision was automatically generated by the mod_dav_svn autoversioning feature.
 Prefix for all svnsync custom properties.
 Used to enforce mutually exclusive destination repository access.
 Identifies the repository's source URL.
 Identifies the repository's source UUID.
 Identifies the last completely mirrored revision.
 Identifies the revision currently being copied.
 This is a list of all revision properties.


typedef struct svn_prop_t svn_prop_t
 A general in-memory representation of a single property.
typedef enum svn_prop_kind svn_prop_kind_t
 Subversion distinguishes among several kinds of properties, particularly on the client-side.


enum  svn_prop_kind {
 Subversion distinguishes among several kinds of properties, particularly on the client-side. More...


svn_prop_tsvn_prop_dup (const svn_prop_t *prop, apr_pool_t *pool)
 Return a duplicate of prop, allocated in pool.
apr_array_header_t * svn_prop_array_dup (const apr_array_header_t *array, apr_pool_t *pool)
 Duplicate an array of svn_prop_t items using pool.
apr_array_header_t * svn_prop_hash_to_array (apr_hash_t *hash, apr_pool_t *pool)
 Given a hash (keys const char * and values const svn_string_t) of properties, returns an array of svn_prop_t items using pool.
apr_hash_t * svn_prop_array_to_hash (const apr_array_header_t *properties, apr_pool_t *result)
 Given an array of svn_prop_t items, return a hash mapping const char * property names to const svn_string_t * values.
apr_hash_t * svn_prop_hash_dup (apr_hash_t *hash, apr_pool_t *pool)
 Creates a deep copy of hash (keys const char * and values const svn_string_t) in pool.
const char * svn_prop_get_value (apr_hash_t *properties, const char *prop_name)
 Return the value of property prop_name as it is in properties, with values const svn_string_t.
svn_prop_kind_t svn_property_kind (int *prefix_len, const char *prop_name)
 Return the prop kind of a property named prop_name, and (if prefix_len is non-NULL) set *prefix_len to the length of the prefix of prop_name that was sufficient to distinguish its kind.
svn_boolean_t svn_prop_is_svn_prop (const char *prop_name)
 Return TRUE iff prop_name represents the name of a Subversion property.
svn_boolean_t svn_prop_has_svn_prop (const apr_hash_t *props, apr_pool_t *pool)
 Return TRUE iff props has at least one property whose name represents the name of a Subversion property.
svn_boolean_t svn_prop_is_boolean (const char *prop_name)
 Return TRUE iff prop_name is a Subversion property whose value is interpreted as a boolean.
svn_boolean_t svn_prop_needs_translation (const char *prop_name)
 If prop_name requires that its value be stored as UTF8/LF in the repository, then return TRUE.
svn_error_tsvn_categorize_props (const apr_array_header_t *proplist, apr_array_header_t **entry_props, apr_array_header_t **wc_props, apr_array_header_t **regular_props, apr_pool_t *pool)
 Given a proplist array of svn_prop_t structures, allocate three new arrays in pool.
svn_error_tsvn_prop_diffs (apr_array_header_t **propdiffs, apr_hash_t *target_props, apr_hash_t *source_props, apr_pool_t *pool)
 Given two property hashes (const char *name -> const svn_string_t *value), deduce the differences between them (from source_props -> target_props).
svn_boolean_t svn_prop_name_is_valid (const char *prop_name)
 Return TRUE iff prop_name is a valid property name.

Detailed Description

Subversion properties.

Definition in file svn_props.h.

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